Saturday, January 14, 2012

one minute we had it all.


我有一群朋友。 我们本不是朋友。 偶遇也好,相识也好, 我们变成了朋友, 从此不再孤独。 但正如同每个故事都有结尾般, 我们面临着分离,面临了背叛,面临痛苦与绝望。 我们哭了, 我们笑了, 我们像孩子般, 我们是很好的朋友。 我们哭了, 我们笑了, 戏还在演, 可那昔日的悻悻相依却早已不见。 -送给我最亲爱的朋友们,史黛拉吧。

Saturday, January 7, 2012

secrets-one republic

tell me what you want to hear, something that were like those years. i'm sick of all the insincere so i'm gonna give my secrets away. this time, don't need another perfect line, don't care if critics ever jump in line, i'm gonna give my secrets away.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


《走在现实的独木桥上》 我曾经以为,顺其自然便好,但如今才明白,想要展翅飞翔是多么的难。