Tuesday, April 14, 2009


ah, today very sian leh. Had a fight with CoCo, and then hurted my hand, and nearly fall asleep on the school bus( actually, the last one was fine) But still, i felt kinda depressed! >< Okay, mayeb i was wrong, but so was CoCo and NoNo, it's not like that she doesn't know how to buy fullscape, and it's so selfish to keep NoNo down when we were supposed to go GuZheng RM. -.- fine fine, ppl are selfish. And i guessed i am a little bit too tense after all. U know, ususally i don care about these lah, but...erm, everyone is selfish, right? So half half, no, should be third, third, third ^^ I think CoCo is on9, hiding? Donno leh. Nvm, we will find out tomorrow (btw, didn't play audition, feeling great)

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